Created in 2004 by Chronic Logic software, Gish has become one of the most prominent independent games of it's time. It's innovative gameplay is thanks to expert programming Alex Austin and the creative talent of artist Edmund McMillen.
by Josh Abrams March 6, 2005
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1)A ball of tar (12 pounds in weight). Can be sticky, slick or heavy or all at the same time. Cool character
2)Original 2D platform game which includes Gish(see first). Relased in the year 2004.
Gish collects amber.
by Artman40 October 6, 2004
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When someone gets royally screwed or fucked.
Versatile verb.
Most common use in a sentence: You got gished! Go Gish yourself!
by jrodthenod May 30, 2010
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Its the jewish version of saying gosh. Developed by some non-jews in the late 1990's. Mainly used in the anti-social group of kids.
Teegun "We have a test tommorrow!"

Kip "Gish your right!"
by by Im black, ive got hops October 7, 2008
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A gish is someone who has sex with his foot
" I admit it...I am a gish"
by Willy February 12, 2005
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