Mass Gamer Stockholm Syndrome, also known as MaGSS, is a psychological condition in which gamers will do anything to defend their favorite game or franchise. Gamers are 'taken hostage' by there games and defend the game to great extend, regardless of game quality. Games with pay 2 win and bugfested games are often being defended by their fanbase. Common sense will rarely work to change their minds.

Reasoning like "you can still unlock everything without spending money", "Skill is more important than spendings" or "it's not as bad as people say it is" are common.

Clearly buggy hitboxes in FPS games are often defended by saying things like "It's because your aim is off".

The psychological condition has strong ties to choise-supportive bias or post-purchase rationalization.
Person 1: Dude, Battlefront 2 is so Pay 2 Win.

Victim: Dude, that's not pay 2 win. You can unlock everything ingame. The advantage you get is not that big, a good player without spending money will still beat a bad player who spend money.

Person 1: Dude, you are simply suffering from Mass Gamer Stockholm Syndrome.

Victim: I don't care, just gonna enjoy the game.
by ai caramba November 20, 2017
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the spontaneous utterance of socially objectionable or taboo words or phrases while playing a video game and to name just a few: Halo, COH, FIFA and MMORPGS

Having similarity to the most publicized Tourette Syndrome "Coprolalia", the phrases uttered by a gamer with GTS do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of the person.
While playing a video game, the gamer's character suddenly gets ambushed/attacked, dies, or was faced with something unexpected and utters an obscene words such as "F*ck! or B!tch!

Example: The house is quiet and the roommate is playing a video game while wearing his headphones so he wouldn't disturb the other people in the house

In the living room:
Gamer: (out loud) "F*******CK!!!"

At the dining table:
Non-Gamer 1 (Guest): (startled) what? what just happened?
Non-Gamer 2: "oh it's nothing, he just have Gamer's Tourette Syndrome (GTS) when he plays his video games."
by CARMC1986 November 24, 2010
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A gamer who overestimates their gaming abilities thinking that they are a "pro gamer". Usually found in negative steam reviews in hard games such as Cuphead, Celeste etc. While these people could just turn on assist mode they instead write a negative review which helps nobody.
John definitely has pro gamer syndrome, he's such a noob but thinks he's a gaming god.
by Sporlings September 3, 2022
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Recently discovered medical theory shows certain individuals are just born with this syndrome where they lack the hand to eye coordination to effectively and efficiently play games or lack the IQ required to play tactical games.

A serious syndrome with no cure till this date,
Also noting quite prevalent among Somali males.
He shows many symptoms of SGS.
I'm sorry to hear you have shit gamer syndrome.
by Bidgickboy May 27, 2020
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There are many parts to this syndrome.

-A sense of high ego, and willingness to talk shit aggressively to everyone no matter how much more/less skilled they actually are than you.

-Lack of skills with women.

-Usually social awkward, varies case by case.

-An inability to move out their parent's house

-Always trying to be alpha

-A sense of always being right no matter the circumstances

-An inability to validate the situation as it is in reality

-Toxicity toward those who have a life (and a better job than your broke ass) and aren't good at the game
The Gamer Conversation Syndrome is best described by examples:
cod lobby:
joe: fucking trash, look at this dude i just knifed you!
tom: ill fucking dust you any day of the fucking week, 1v1 me!
joe: i have better things to do with my time than 1v1 someone who is 2/19!
by please enter your username January 17, 2022
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Being too poor to to buy the games you desire.
"i just had a dream of Poor Gamer Syndrome"
by _Gamer_Moment_ April 22, 2020
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“Ow, I think my gamer syndrome is acting up
“What’s ‘gamer syndrome’?”
Carpal tunnel syndrome
by Wildingmango24 August 15, 2021
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