to be screwed over really bad and do nothing about it.
Percy was fyked by his ex-girlfriend really badly!!
by parksy80 September 25, 2008
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a fat dyke, or a fucking dyke, depending.
Guy 1: "did you see that huge guy?"
Guy 2: "that was just a fat dyke"
Guy 3: "no man, you mean a fyke"
by whatanoob March 30, 2009
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Used in select areas meaning more or less the same thing as "hyphy" or "krunk".
We got fyke in da club last night.

Get fyke!
by Sam Monsen April 17, 2006
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synonym word meaning (FUCK)in bro talk
yall wanna ball with us?

Fyke that
by scoobs September 10, 2007
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When two butch dykes decide to mix it up outside a biker bar. WWII was actually started because Hans stuck his finger in a dyke. The story was cleaned up for future generations.
"Hey Johnny, check it out, Pat And Dot are headin outside, this ought to be a hell of a fyke!"
by BIG TMW May 8, 2008
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A very delicious food, even if it isn't steak.
Hey man, this is the best fyke steak I have ever eaten out of a cereal box!
by Chrisaubertin December 13, 2008
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