A 2nd Grade insult used to devastate your friends with a amazing insult only used by the most ruthless 2nd graders
you are a Fricker jimmy for stealing my lunchable
by Mr.Fricker May 17, 2018
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an idiot, especially a frickin idiot. used in place of "fucker."
That dude is such a fricker! He wouldn't know it if his head was stuck in a garbage can full of moldy squirrels.
by Freakin Annoyed November 18, 2004
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Someone who habitually loses at gambling. Derrogatory word for a casino-fly loser.
I'm not going to that casino, it's full of frickers.
by JavaJaneOhio July 30, 2010
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Someone who does not care about anyone else and often is involved in situations that creates a mess or ruins things.

'Fricker' tends to be used in situations that are somewhat trivial in nature.
Tom offered to help me load those boxes onto the truck but then just started throwing them around... what a fricker.

That chick was giving me eyes but went home with some other dude, what a fricker.

You fricker, I tried all day to get with that girl and then you told her I was a douche.
by isforshooting February 4, 2010
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You little fricker Deano! You won't go get Glass Nickel Pizza for me!
by doggiehouser July 23, 2009
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Someone who touches his hair way too much. He also loves his ducky socks. He loves kara but kara will never love him back.
by Luke Frickler December 9, 2016
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