A deviant sexual practice between 2-4 men, a gerbil, and a humidifier. The gerbil is made wet by the humidifier and inserted into each gentleman in sequence.
The cops broke up four guys hume fogging each other in the park last night.
by Gaetan August 27, 2008
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Synonymous with a party. You get misty and you get fogged.
a misty fogg usually lead to unprotected sex with strangers.
by brainsmmmnevermind September 22, 2009
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An academic magnet school located in downtown Nashvlle, Tennessee. Produces fantastic test scores as well as many successful alumni such as Randell Jarell, Bettie Page, and Dinah Shore. Also has a great arts program, including a visual arts program which dominated the Frist Center for the Visual Arts Center's high school ehibit regularly, a show choir which wins national competitions anually, and a blues band which is favored by the mayor over any other high scool blues band in the district (granted, the sports teams do suck). Feeder school: Meigs Magnet
"Yeah, I hung out with this kid from Hume-Fogg the other day."

"Ew, gross. I heard Hume-Fogg kids can read or something."
by archeronnnn. November 19, 2006
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When you're hittin' it from behind, and the gal is in the midst of an orgasm and releases an epic fart...So epic, infact, that you have to pull out and back off that badunkadunk for at least a minute. This is usually resolved by delivering the 'intentional' accidental dolphin.
Dude, I was hittin' it, she was about to bust, and I got dogg-fogged.
by Bloonk August 16, 2006
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The guy who gets all the girls and smokes whenever the fuck he wants
Big Fogg is Americas guest
by Joshua herman August 19, 2006
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The thick smoke that collects in a room full of stoners.
Harry: “Where’s James?”
Jon: “Coughing on the other side of that Snoop Fogg.”
by daltonjfk September 16, 2019
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Fogg ist eine Beleidigung, welche hauptsächlich in der Obersteiermark verwendet. Ein Fogg ist das männliche Gegenstück zu einer Fut. Gemeint ist damit vorallem Felix Wagner
Paganini ist kein Auto du blöder Fogg
by Fogger69 August 6, 2022
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