hittin' it

"Are you hittin' it?" "We're gonna be hittin' it later"
by harmony March 7, 2004
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That food was hittin'
by amar_bellamente August 20, 2015
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To have sex or be involved in sexual contact, hittin also means to engage in sex.
by camstar July 17, 2006
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Desirable, esp. in sexual context.
Doz some hittin' bitches, yo!
by Dr. Shatner June 6, 2004
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Hittin it

I'm hittin it! *turns off lights*

That's it, I'm hittin it. *Leaves online match*
by CHETANA666 January 22, 2011
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somebody whos look nice or attractive
Mann you see that female in that lil skirt?.. she hittin
by MissJess November 21, 2006
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a baltimore trem for selling drugs
yo you just was hittin for them so sell this for me
by mani 1900 February 10, 2008
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