someone who will only play a game where you play as a human (and only cosplay as a human)
furry fool 1: look at that person, only cosplaying as a person
scaily fool 1: ikr
by goanna678 January 20, 2017
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Really, really cool. Almost beyond cool. Related to the idea of muscle being cool, and beefy men. Ironically, most commonly used by young females in the 12-14 age demographic.
"Jacob from New Moon is really fleshy."
"Squirtle is the fleshiest pokemon."
by chelsea.bu21 February 7, 2010
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A large white-fetus of a fleshy awkward teen. Guzzles giz on a regular basis like its the thing to do. A self-consious bastard who wears hiking boots. Known for putting himself down, often gets emotional and spanks a load to granny porn, reflecting on how the world has done him wrong. Known for shaving multiple pubic regions,he will often spoon feed them to his 400 pound sister beluga whale.
I just fleshed myself as im under a lot of pressure from my peers to fit in because i'm awkward.

And, no. I'm not paying you back.
by yeaah May 3, 2005
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I know I'm sexy but Amy wouldn't stop staring at me with her fleshy eye, it actually started to water.
by Zuzzy Foeller February 6, 2014
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The act of attaching multiple dicks and dildos to each other, extending the length for pleasure, only used among the dankest of faggots.
Yo, I had a fucking dope-ass orgy that used a Fleshy Pipeline at that college party.
by Oisz July 18, 2017
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A fleshy tophat is the part of the penis that would normally be cut off during circumcision.
J: man I'm kind of embarrassed of my penis because I'm not circumcized

M: what no way bro you got the dopest dick around carrying that fleshy tophat
by ThemagJSAR July 6, 2023
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