A word Used By A lot Of intellect people and with sever anger or laughter!
Vince: Yo Zabzaf Don't Destroy my chest You DumbFuck.

Zabzaf: Dont call me a dumbfuck you dumbfuck

by ToxicG065 March 10, 2021
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worse than a DUMBSHIT. dumbfuck is a whole other level of stupid. theres weird, idiotic, stupid, dumbass, dumbshit, then theres dumbfuck
erica:kaity whats the answer to number four on the math homework?

kaity: erica its simple. look you ad two and three together.
your such a dumbfuck!
by joetastic1212 January 6, 2010
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someone that does something before they think about it. But sometimes realizes that it was a mistake and that they are thinking they are a dumbfuck that they did it. So a dumbfuck is someone that realizes that they are a dumbfuck for thinking that they are a dumbfuck. I'm a dumbfuck for making this so confusing!
Cody is a Dumbfuck sometimes wen he thinks he is a Dumbfuck,
Melissa thinks she's a Dumbfuck, but she isn't
by canada,c August 3, 2010
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1. some one who refuses to listen to reason, especially when intoxicated.
I told you not to do that when you were drunk you dumbfuck!
by xoxogossipgirl213 December 11, 2008
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Anyone who still considers themselves a democrat or support s Biden after record inflation and fuel prices.
What??? You’re justifying these gas prices,,, you must be a dumbfuck.
by Old Wise E March 12, 2022
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Name for the Vice Principal of the high school. A greasy, inadequate douchebag who's afraid of his own shadow and lets everyone walk all over him, including the students he's supposed to be in charge of.
"I've got to go down to the office and see Dumbfuck because I was caught smoking again. Watch me talk my way out of this one."
by KTDigs December 9, 2011
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