Chunks of matter found in the vagina.
EEEEEWWWWW! I just got some cunk on my toungue.

Fuck you eat the cunk!
by Jozecom August 27, 2005
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An alternative word for cum invented by the lovely chaps Hat Films
"Hey Shannon there's a shit tonne of cunk in your hair"
by Cunk Meister July 23, 2017
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A combination of the term "dick" and "cunt" to make a unisex slur to any person who happens to be of an annoyance or just a plain bitch. However, "cunk" can be used a term of endearment to close friends, family, or acquaintances.
"Becky is such a cunk, she didn't even call me back!"
OR, (as a term of endearment)
"You know I love you, you silly cunk!"
by ShannyBitchhh. July 26, 2012
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worse than cunt.
by youracunk May 12, 2009
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A word to describe the fattest tits in the world
Brock’s mom, Robin has ode cunk
by derbmaster February 17, 2020
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Someone who is a combination between a cunt and a cuck.
My coworker Mike Gurney was being a real cunk at work today, no wonder his wife blows other dudes.
by TheThagomizer April 25, 2023
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