To be in the prescence of a balls-naked Ray Childress (ex-Houston Oiler), perfecting a yoga pose in the steamroom at the Houstonian gym, while trading stocks via cell phone.
I want to go stretch in the steamroom but Ray Childress is in there and I don't want to get "clobbered."
by Haent August 13, 2009
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To be completely out of your mind intoxicated.
Last night I drank A LOT of alcohol, I was clobbered.

I really wanna get clobbered at the party this weekend.
by Lyss Pliss May 18, 2006
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(Programming) To make a change or a call in a program which unintentionally overwrites the current value of a variable.
Yeah I fixed that bug - PrintPage was clobbering the cookies.
by ectoraige May 16, 2003
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1. The act of thrusting oneself to another human being with one's own head and/or body parts.

2. to utilize the body as a weapon to inflict harm upon one or more persons in the proximity of said body weapon.
John and Kameron love to clobber each other on the daily, no homo.
by vajenjen69 November 11, 2010
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Ben: "Hey man how'd it go with Veronica last night?"
Zach: "Bro i clobbered the shit out of her!"
Ben: "Damn, you didn't even kiss her!!!"

Clobbering - Having sex without kissing
by Zurbur February 22, 2020
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Person 1: Hey, did you see that naked picture of Chris Brown?
Person 2: Yeah man, some clobber on him
by DerpyMcDerperson July 10, 2012
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