when a beloved character in a game is killed via mean decisions of a heartless player.
Lee got chickyed in the game.
by MeanMamaOf5 August 7, 2018
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an awesome girl who is shorty's bff. together we rule da world.
"chicky, which part of the world should we conquer next?"
by shorty22 February 1, 2008
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A cool cat that is tough and pimps all the ladies..much better than a wizza or a gilly.
Wow! look out it's chicky..
he is so tough i wish i was him..then i would get the ladies
by red_fire_engine June 2, 2007
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Dude#1: check out that hot chick!

Dude#2: Shes with her man.

Dude#1: Thats not her man its her chickie.
by Wisdomword April 27, 2010
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when u see a little fucking chicken in a year just chillen.

any food
"yo man wheres the chicky at"

"I saw a little fucking chicky outside the other day"

"that bitch was being a real chicky head"
by mcccccc January 4, 2009
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