people of southwestern europe.
celts are mostly in ireland and wales.
by dire straights June 19, 2007
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He was engrossed in celting his gf, bstfr, rm, x, wf and lvr of celting;-)
by Hercolena Oliver April 8, 2009
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An awesome band from Serbia which plays Irish music. Their frontman is called Aca Celtic (Aca is pronounced "Azza", like "pizza" with an A instead of PI) and he rocks. Most of their songs are in English, and they make their own songs (like "Far Away") as well as playing old Irish ones (like "Rocky Road to Dublin").
Aca Celtic was once bullied by one of his teachers in high school and then came back with his crew and dumped the bastard in a garbage container.
Orthodox Celts usually make a New Year concert every year in Serbia.
by Baklava42 January 19, 2007
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A proud people, residing in spain and part of france. fantastic metalsmiths. most common folk of the spanish celts, and all celts really, wore their wealth in the form of jewelery. instead of the barbarous people we percieve the celts as, because of the romans, we must think of an incredibly advanced subculture and, indeed, culture entirely. the sword invented by the celts was eventualy used against them by the romans. the Gladius Hispaniensus was the primary weapon of roman infantry for most of the empire's domanant years. the celts never had a professional army, but then again neither did most of the cultures of the time. this lack of uniformity, unfortunately, lead to the ahnialation of nearly the entire celtic culture and its subsequient subcultures. remnants found of the celtic culture are often missunderstood by the christian church to be demonic and pagan. this only furthers the missunderstanding of barbarism.
Karl, "Look at the craftsmanship of this blade, its quite intricate!"

Justin, "Not saying much, dude, its a Spanish Celt's work. you know how damn proud the spanish celts were!"
by Karl Deets December 3, 2006
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bloke that goes on Celtic forums to chat up birds, not very good at it, is really gay
"oh fuck there is Downpatrick celt chatting up that tranny again!"
by ghirly May 30, 2008
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What you get when when a half Jewish, half Irish woman marries an Italian.
I was at my nephews bahmistsva when I spotted a good looking woman across the room. As I approached I could clearly see she was a jew-whoppa-celt.
by A. jew-whoppa-celt September 3, 2009
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Having twenty guys smaking there penis’s in one guys face
I wish I was celted right now, that would be the best don’t yoy think sis.
by Thechosenone2344 January 15, 2018
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