1: a sweat treat eaten around halloween time
2: a piece of cotton with a string attached that females shove up their vaginas to dry their dead kids up with.

goes in as a clean-cunt-stick, comes out a bloody-cunt-mess

by waytoocreativeforthis November 13, 2019
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The reason why it tastes like shit is because the candy that's left over is recycled for next Halloween. Hell, they even take the uneaten candy corn from the trash and wipe off the spit and crap.
I tried the candy corn at the party, and I puked up blood because it had expired to the point where the bacteria on it evolved into flesh-eating pathogens.
by sarcastic November 4, 2003
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A sexual act involving dp with a white guy a native american girl and a chinaman.
This candy corn is by a wide margin the least likely thing to ever have a phrase describing it.
by mundermensch December 25, 2004
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A form of mooning where the person spreads their asscheeks apart while laying on the ground towards their victim. When the person does this they must yell "CANDY CORN!!!"
Dude, I cant give dem xamples for dis shiaT!!! CANDY CORN!!!
by Billy Maddison June 1, 2005
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A man or woman who, from behind or at a distance, seems worth checking out; but upon closer inspection, is not very attractive at all.
From behind, he looked pretty hot. But, when he turned around, he was just eye candy corn.

I had the bartender send her a drink. Then when I walked over I could see she was nothing but silicon and Botox . Talk about eye candy corn.
by QuadConPana October 20, 2014
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