Cool story bro. Used in response to some one telling you a story that really doesn't interest you.
Jack: "Hey dude, I had McD's for lunch today!!!"
Ben: "CSB"
by JeepBraaahhhhhhh August 6, 2010
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When someone tells an extremely lame or pointless story, respond with "CSB." It stands for "cool story, bro."
"One time I put in my contacts and I forgot about them and then I put on my glasses and I was like "WOAH!""
"That was a major CSB dude"
by shadynasty October 4, 2013
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CSB - An abbreviation for "Conniving Skanky Bitch".

When a person does/says something to get a particular outcome, or to manipulate a situation, of their desire that usually affects an innocent party in a negative way - usually in the situation of causing arguements amoungst friends/in relationships. There also usually is no clear motive for such actions; they may not even dislike the said victim.
"Ted: Oh My God, I can't believe Tess told him that!
Todd: I know, and Trudy didn't even mean it in that way!
Ted: What a CSB!"
by TrishFlash February 11, 2009
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An abbreviation for Cock Sucking Bitch, a derogatory comment that can be made in a variety of circumstances.
Ed is whining about something that no one else seems to care about. Steve then says, "Ed, don’t be such a CSB".
by TAdams August 17, 2007
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CSB is Chronic Sperm Build-up due to lack of sex. This can make most men crazy and it it goes too long you will start to get a hump on your back like the bell ringer and walk with a limp. Ladies do not let this happen to your man, it is cruel and unusual punishment and can lead to the phone a friend option.
I went to the doctor for this huge mass on my shoulder and the doctor said it was CSB. He sent in a nurse who blew it off by sucking it out of my dick, love my nurse...
by fordh8r October 8, 2010
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Internet abbreviation, mainly used to indicate that the post to which it reacts is something you should say to people who care. Or it could be that the poster tried a little too hard to be cool in your opinion. CSB is short for "Cool Story, Bro!".
Riekus(over openbaar urinueren): en tuin / boom of w/e ergens willekeurige berm is vrij standaard ook

zelfs x iemand om half 2 smiddags ofzo op klaarlichte dag op de grote markt zien zeiken, bah bah
Joostul: CSB
NdeK: diepe dal, daar ga ik momenteel door.
Freez0: CSB
by itmebitches October 3, 2010
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