~noun~ One of the greatest bands ever. I like them almost more than cheese and ice cream. Songs include : My Brother's Wife, Let's Talk About Cars, and The Lord is a Monkey. Get their cd, doesn't matter which one, or you will DIE in seven days.... no joke.
Dude I have the Electriclarryland cd and it makes me feel happy and all warm inside when I listen to it....
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1. A band name.

2. A person who violates another person with their kundalini either intentionally or by accident.
Dude, you're such a butthole-surfer!
by ButtRogers August 6, 2008
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1. A tape worm.

2. Well known weird garage surf band.
Looks ath the cover of "Indendant Worm Saloon" by the BHS
by monkiki February 25, 2005
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one who likes to give anal sex. a male who likes to stick it in the back door more than the front. (he likes the surf the butthole if u will)
Turd burgalers are almost always butthole surfers.
by travis c October 8, 2004
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A man who enjoys anal sex with other men.
Alex is a total butthole surfer.
by Dain Bramage February 8, 2003
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