Person A: "Did you hear her husband exposed himself in a bowling alley and was arrested for lewd exposure?"
Person B: "Wow, her husband is a total boebert!"
by SaveAmericaBlessTroops November 19, 2021
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A person whose cognitive and social development stalled in early pubescence.
Did you hear her speech to congress? What a boebert!

I'm not a boebert, you're a boebert!
by Mall Ninja January 16, 2021
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A load of semen that has been deposited intranasally then hocked up and spit out or swallowed.
Gross! That looks like somebody's Boebert on the floor.
by Stmfitr February 20, 2021
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Verb - To fail at something thoroughly by having done something incredibly stupid.
"Damn it, Lauren, you used the wiper fluid while we're driving a convertible! You really boeberted."

"I boeberted my job interview. They asked what made me leave my last job and I said my boss was a fucking idiot."
by MrZeg October 14, 2021
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The shit you take after your first cup of coffee in the morning
"Boy was that a stinky Boebert"
"One minute, I'm finishing up my Boebert"
by DrJMontana June 15, 2022
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Noun; Title given to individuals who exhibit behaviors of those regarded as pieces of human excrement.
“Did you see that guy just cut me off?”
What a fuckin’ boebert, man.”
by The Smith. September 28, 2022
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Sexual activity performed in a theater audience setting. "Giving a boebert" refers specifically to a manual sex act (e.g. a hand job), however the act may include other boorish behavior including vaping, talking loudly, taking selfies, and general disruption.

The term originated from an incident in September, 2023, when CCTV security footage for Beetlejuice, The Musical allegedly show Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R, CO) engaging in heavy-petting with a male companion.
Shirley gave me a Boebert during the Tucson Theater production of 'Dear Evan Hansen'.
by SlimerAndTheRealGhostbusters September 21, 2023
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