Cubic zirconium or other fake jewelry.
You know that jewelry store on Geneva St? They ripped me off---I paid $3K for blung!
by Emil Gomez December 1, 2005
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a blunge is a rather ugly person who is bitchy and gross and not smart...basiclly there is nothing good about them. the word blunge is offensive if you call someone a blunge, but the term blunging around just means someone is lazy.
girl 1: omg! look at that fat ugly girl!!!
girl 2: yeah ive seen her before shes a blungey sort of person, i kinda feel bad for her, she got kicked outta school too!

by sarah F. August 30, 2005
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Jewelry made of paper, cardboard, duct-tape or other material available for purchase at Wal-mart or similiar store.
"im cool, I made some blung"
by Sanford Zakfurt July 29, 2005
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If something is sick, morally wrong, or messed up.
1)A man having sex with a dog is blung.

2)Munging is definately blung.

3)"I have haven't done my homework beceause i got grounded".."Aw man,that's blung"
by skiboi11 March 30, 2010
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Prior application of prepackaged materials sold as "bling" to pimp out your Ipod or other plastic thingy.
Sarah's Gigabeat was blung.
by Tha Beast December 31, 2005
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Term, born of a corruption of black and clunge, referring to the vagina of a black woman.
I plunged me sausage deep in to her blunge, in a rather futile attempt to derive some pleasure from her cave of a pussy
by talldarkstranger May 19, 2010
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