A team sport played on ice. It's like ice hockey but faster and played with a ball and on a rink the size of a football pitch. The rules are like association football with 11 man teams.
The swiftness of hockey and the showmanship of soccer, makes bandy!
by EliasG March 28, 2018
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A body part, (usually an eye) that is not quite right, without being obviously deficient.
Man, I'd tap that if it wasn't for the bandy eye.
by it's me ldo November 10, 2011
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1) A guy who is really attractive
2) A guy who is well hung
3) Someone who knows what the ladies like
4) A nerdy guy who resembles Brad Pitt with glasses.
Guy 1: "Man I wish I was a Bandi. I'm not really that confident about my looks."
by Dabomb2184 May 7, 2016
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someone who is obsessed with a certain band. said person is liable to stalking which may result in a restraining order. a non fictional person whom BD does not believe exists. the most famous bandie that ever lived was Wo Jack. or WJ for short. he stalked every band imaginable
person 1: " dude i love that band!"
person 2: " i know. i'm practically a bandie when it comes to them"
by bdhatesme.com January 10, 2011
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A guy that you met on the internet for a joke, but it's not a joke anymore.
An artist who should be prouder for being himself.

A person that the more you get to know, the more you want to know about.

A weirdo who likes e.g. watching buildings from close, instead of watching the whole landscape.

A guy whose reactions for some things are so incredibly awkward but you still like him.

A guy with whom you hope to do many more e.g. 20.000-step hikes.
He's such a Bandi.
by alma123 February 2, 2021
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A member of the school band. Bandies usually hang out together, have inside jokes that nobody outside the band gets or understands (which are sometimes inexplicably used when not even in the presence of other bandies, leaving the bandy the only one to get the joke), and generally maintain their own sort of secret musicians' society. They may be friends with non-bandies/non-musicians, but when together with both bandies and non-bandies, they often talk about music-related subjects that the non-bandies don't understand, leaving the non-bandies out of the conversation.

This term may also sometimes be used to refer to members of the school orchestra.
"I called my friend to see if he wanted to do anything this weekend, but he said he already had something planned. I bet he's going to hang out with some of his bandies."
by sgmidence June 20, 2005
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