an expression you say when somebody says they're going to do something. if they don't do it, you get to hit them
A:I'm going to make a sandwich!
A:*Doesn't make sandwich*
B:*Hits A*
by MistahShizzle April 28, 2010
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1. A mixture of "I dare you" and "You're full of shit" native to the Garlic City
2. A challenge issued wherein the subject must complete a task they threw out sarcastically. If they do not finish the task, they risk being punched.
3. Something your asshole friend says when they know you're joking, want to see you fail miserably and want to hit you for it.
A: Yeah, right, I'll totally ask that chick out.

B: No butter, dude. You have to do it.
by This one guy you met one time November 28, 2016
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Don't fancy yours much! She's well butters!
by Anonymous September 22, 2002
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"Hey, will you butterize this bagel for me?"
"Sure, dude!"
by stellarback123 August 14, 2008
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Tan Timberland boots. A common word found mainly in the D.M.V (D.C., Maryland, Virginia).
Yo Mikey those are some fresh butters...
by mikey-mike b June 29, 2009
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Person: Leopold "Butters" Stotch

Butters is in class with Stan, Cartman, and Kenny. When Kenny died for good in season five, Butters became their new best friend. Unfortunatly when his use as a friend didn't meet up to their standards, Butters gets fired as the new best friend, and loses his mind creating Professor Chaos. ....definition is from

Notable quote: "When I go walkin down the street they go 'Hey, there's chinballs!'".
You're a FREAK Butters! You can't play with us!"
by FrankGrimes July 7, 2005
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