Commonly used to describe someone or something that is crazy
Derek went ape shit when he found out that it was me who shit on the carpet
by LocoSmoko April 12, 2011
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To literally go insane, usually accompanied by flailing arms, incomprehensible gurgling noises and a crazed look.
Did you see that guy going down the residential area at 110 mph? He went through someones fucking lawn, THEIR GODDAMN LAWN AND THROUGH THE FENCE TOO. God, then he got to the orphanage, it was a massacre. I tell ya man, he was going ape shit.
by Morpha's Tox Box July 3, 2011
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To become very angry.
The boss went ape shit when he heard the bad news.
by Dr. ZZZ May 9, 2008
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Someone who goes completely "Ape Shit" over something means that someone goes completely crazy over this object, person, place or thing.
"Dude, did you SEE that?" said Brooke.
"No, what was it that you saw?" replied Brian.
"The Famous Butter just went completely APE SHIT on the mic!" said Brooke.
by ~ChickenHead~ July 5, 2010
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And let your dyko, bass playing girlfriend had to have in the backseat with a yoo-hoo bottle or she went apeshit "Frank Zappa"
by Les G August 25, 2005
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To become overly enraged, to a level bordering on psychosis
Savy Dog would go Ape Shit every time Chimpy sang Queen of Hearts by Dave Edmunds, as he was lining up his tee shot
by MangyDog April 5, 2012
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fecal matter derieved from the anal cavity of an ape
"Woah! Look at that! He stepped in Ape Shit!"
by mma fanatic December 11, 2008
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