The largest city in Alaska. In the summer the weather the warmest it usually gets is in the 60s, while in the winter between -10 to 20 degrees. Dark in the winter and is light in the summer.

As a resident, I do believe Anchorage is very overrated. Although it is beautiful, it's honestly not a very nice place to live. There is only two malls people consider frequenting, Dimond Center and 5th Avenue mall. The stores are a few years outdated, as most stores don't ship here. There isn't very much that happens, the days are very redundant.

Majority of the families are dysfunctional, drug-ridden, and/or have alcoholism in them. You at least know one person who has commited suicide here, as it is one of the highest in the nation. There are MANY dropouts, I don't mean to plague this with statistics but the Anchorage School District does have the highest dropout rate, roughly half of the kids in ASD dropout. I almost dropped out.

As for politics, there was once a majority of republicans, however this has died out over the years. Surprisingly the Libertarian party is quite common, and of course there is also many democrats. To most here Sarah Palin is an emberassment.
Tourist: it's fucking gorgeous here I love anchorage,alaska. I want to move here someday
Resident: no you don't want to move here. It is a vacuous, dark, pit.

Tommy: Has your mom quit drinking yet? I hear since she got into a drunken fight with your methhead sister for dropping out, the police have been on her ass like grass.
Mary: No, she's still depressed that my dad walked out, causing my brother to commit suicide. How's your family?
Tommy: Ditto

Jordan: God, I hate the Sarah Palin stereo-type. I'm a fucking Democrat
by anonymousresident May 23, 2011
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Complaining vociferously about a wrong being done to you whilst casually committing said wrong yourself with no awareness.
Sarah Palin just laid an Anchorage Steamer on that show!
by lennydan January 20, 2011
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A form of hypocrisy. The act of criticizing someone for a certain act and then proceeding to unwittingly do that same thing. This can also be referred to as a Palin-drome.
The woman who sees Russia from her house just dropped an anchorage steamer on America- she criticized the media for politicizing the Arizona shooting and then implied that the shooter was a liberal.
by jonstewartfan January 19, 2011
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A metropolis of some 260,000 in Alaska that is a few thousand miles away from any other large city in North America and where half the state lives. Despite its isolation, crime is relatively high, especially in the Mountain View, Muldoon, and Spenard neighborhoods. Winters are cold and dark, but manageable and summers are nice and mild with temperatures rarely going above the high 70's. The middle and upper middle classes live mostly west of Minnesota Drive and south of Dimond Boulevard. There is no interstate highway system in the city except for a few miles of the New Seward Highway, the southern part of Minnesota Drive, and between Northway Mall and the Mat-Su Valley. Almost all of the homes in it like the rest of Alaska are wood frame or other composite. It is the only major city in America that has both downhill and cross country skiing in it.
Anchorage, Alaska
by waspcoloredstain October 23, 2014
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The inability to move on to pastures new due to the investment (mental, physical and/or finanicial) in reaching one's currrent status
"I'd love to take up modelling but there's just so much time and effort been spent in reaching where I am today that I can't bring myself to give it all up'

'I know where you're coming from, it's a massive ask to shake off all this negative anchorage'
by Fettershome September 11, 2014
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complaining vociferously about a wrong being done to you while casually committing said wrong yourself with no awareness
After the Tucson shooting by Jared Loughner, Sarah Palin complained loudly about the issue being politicized (as her violent rhetoric was condemned by many after it occurred) while simultaneously referring to Loughner as left-leaning. By doing this she performed an Anchorage steamer.
by Mark Grayson January 20, 2011
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To take a dump that is at least twenty-eight pounds which rips one anus and causes excessive bleeding. Often requires the use of an entire roll of toilet paper.
Nik: Yo Doc. I just took an Anchorage Dump and my asshole was split wide open.
Dr. D: Nurse!
Nik: Doc? Am I gonna be ok?
Dr. D: No son, I'm afraid the dump has ripped your asshole completely in half. You will die in the next two hours.
by Team Anchorage August 28, 2010
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