A rare breed of mythological creature that lives in the forest of magical silliness. They feed on goober blossoms, and they're everlastign enemies are the cannablistic trolls. They're often bothered by humorically driven earth dwellers who pass thorugh their forest in search of their leader, the peach lotion man.

The dwarfs diet consists of goober blossoms, but they also enjoy feasting on curdled caulliflower and other vegetarian meals. The ultimate luxury meal for the dwarfs would include rotten artichoke hearts drizzled with sauce from a maggot inveted tomato.

Alabaster dwarfs tend to mate approximately three hundred and sixty five times a year, but the children often die shortly after birth. Only one in sixty hundred and twenty eight dwarf children survive. their young feed on the scabs of their grandmothers wounds, which fall off everytime a new child is born. They live on scabs until their eyes grow in. This takes about one week. Then the children are kicked out of the clan to go and live on their own.

Alabaster dwarfs tend to travel in groups of four or five, and they live in oversized patches of rotten peaches. They also bathe in the peach juice, which male dwarfs find irrisistable. This is very helpful when the unattractive female dwarfs are desprete for a mate.

It is presumed that by 2010, all alabaster dwarfs will be over taken by the cannabilistic trolls. Alabaster breeding has been set in motion, to try and save their species, but it is obvious that they are basically doomed to fail.

If you would like to try and attempt to save the Dwarfs, feel free to donate to the Save The Alabaster Dwarfs Foundation (SADF).
"wow, did you jsut see those alabaster dwarfs eat that goober blossom?"
by LEAHANDJENNA May 18, 2008
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The insignia for the Order of the same name. The origin of the parakeet is one of the fundamental story in the shaping of the Order. The founder, R.M.M. Swigberry-Smythe II, is known to be descended from several families (the name Swigberry is an interesting story, but beyond the scope of this text). The most influential to the shaping of the Order is undoubtedly the Montagues, particularly Giambattista Montague. He was an eccentric Italian merchant/explorer in the 18th century who enjoyed collecting all manner of things from the countires he traveled to (his entire collection is thought to have been large enough to fill over half of the British Museum!) He also had several hundred acres of land, on which he kept all manner of animals, mostly birds. His favourite of all was a parakeet named Zipporah. Zipporah (or Old Zippy as he is known to Order members) was an extremly intelligent bird, who could perfrom all manner of tricks, even doing simple maths! When Zippy died age 68, Montague commissioned a statue of Zippy to be carved in alabaster as a centrepiece for his formal garden. Swigberry-Smythe was so moved my this story, he decided to create a group where eccentric upper-class like himself could meet and share interests, in memory of his ancestor and his beloved bird. And so, on September the 19th, 1915, he and 50 others from around the world met at his mansion in the first gathering of The Order of The Alabaster Parakeet. The rest, as they say, is history.

by Thelonius Egbert Quagmire September 19, 2003
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Generally red headed white girl - or very pale skinned white girl whose been with a black man and in the old cliche gone black and isn't going back
Jemma the red head from down the street was always hanging around with black guys. Her very pale white skin struck a real contrast against some of the real dark black guys " wow she's a real blacked alabaster "
by nworshipunlimited October 4, 2008
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An alabaster witch is a witch of stunning beauty, that s witch would use her spells in order to make men fall in love with her
That women is an alabaster witch
by Baelantiss January 31, 2018
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when your younger sister is having a slumber party with all of her friends downstairs, and from the banister of the stairs you fire a load you’ve been saving since you heard of your sister’s Saturday night plans onto each of her friends from a height of approximately 8-12 feet.
Sarah had a slumber party last night and I gave each of her friends an Alabaster Flying Squirrel.
by yellowjacket34 March 27, 2008
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1)autoerotic dry wipe 2)one of mommy's nightmares 3)an embarassing oversight 4)an encrusted fuck sock
Trevor's mom reeled in sickened horror as she groped beneath his bed and grasped a wet alabaster banana chamois
by Jannasauras Rex January 8, 2005
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this tiny impelament of a alabaster parakeet is though so fake we are not related to the develish of montougues (you have spelt it wrong)our traditonal dress is not to be rediculed it is of satisfactory ,the fez comes from our native land of morroco wher swigberrry (note the triple "r's" as a sign of morrocan heretige) smythe was born my uncle to so say.the founding was of course in 1912 at the beginning the fez tradittin nobel prize.
the wise words of alabaster"fla bledy bla morrocan moo bla bla do be do la la goldfish"
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