Dessert. Sweets served after Dinner.
Did she make you afters?
by Aedan May 18, 2004
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"after" means right after some other event. so if u tell someone that u'll do something after that person did something else, it is common knowledge, that u have to do it right afterwards, not leaving any time inbetween!
I'll tell u AFTER u told me something else.

> that means, u gotta tell it right after that other person told u!
by UR WORST NIGHTMARE, JIMMY :) November 5, 2009
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The after party after you have had a massive sesh mainly includes weird things happening to people on lots of drugs
Person 1:Are you coming to the afters?
Person 2: yeah wouldn’t miss it!
by Big Stonker January 26, 2018
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Where the Hash goes after finishing Circle. Usually a bar or other unfortunate vendor of alcoholic beverages.
I ran with Least Worst H3 last night and the On After was a fucking blast.
by eXplodes On iMpact LWH3 February 27, 2015
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The state you are in after you party, usually the next morning. Generally an awful look and feeling are present.
Richard: "Damn, John, you look so after."
John: "I feel after...anyway hand me a beer."
by p-funk November 26, 2006
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A German word meaning anus. One to avoid when engaging in conversation with Berliner society matrons.
In spite of many years spent living in New York City, Hans (ever polite) still approached the word "after" with trepedation, still connecting it with both his mother tongue, and his nether regions.
by Ardella Safron October 22, 2006
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to call seconds or half on a cigarette or joint
after you on that.give us afters on dat fag
by steveo ireland February 3, 2005
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