1. Abbreviation of the word Brazil, or Brazilian. In online video games, often put at the end of players usernames and guilds to denote their home country.

2a Racial slur used to describe people from Brazil in online video games. BRs are often despised due to the large population of them that practice killstealing, spamming, begging for buffs and plvls and carrying on in their own language on Fullshout or another device that can transport messages across the entire "world".

2b. Also used to describe people that don't understand the English language well or partake in the aformentioned activities.

3. Acronym of the words "Born Retarded". Not often used.
1. Names like "DeathSlayerBR" and "GuerreiroBR" are used on MMORPG's with depressing regularities.

2a. BR: Buff por favor
Unsuspecting Ringmaster/Cleric/Priest/ any other thing that gives buffs: Here you go (buffs BR)
BR: Mais buffs. Plvl por favor.
RM/Cleric: AH! It's like a bloodsucking leech! Go away!
BR: (On fullshout) Livre buffs em Flaris!
A million other BRs: BUFF POR FAVOR!!! (Bite the RM/ Cleric and sucks all his/her blood out.)

2b. Player 1: Buffs
Player 2: Say please.
Player 1: Plvl
Player 2: ?
Player 1: Buffs
Player 2: What a br

Pro: >_> What are you, br?
Noob: nO I R AMERICAN!!! 1337!!! NOBB!
Pro: -_- I was implying born retarded, but whatever floats your boat.
by Stymie from FlyFF June 3, 2007
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There is one meaning of this word, that is "Dumbass." So if anyone calls you a br, be offended.
Br: Br?
Random_noob: YOU ARE OMFG
by Snat April 7, 2005
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On the mmorpg of Tibia, the trade mark of brazilians, and there made up language, which they constatnly babble, then at random times say "hahahahahahaha"
this normally begins with a simple "BR?"
and at times ends with a random insult
Xikaro "are you fishing?"
Brelvaca "BR?"
Xikaro "huh? whats that to do with fishing?"
Brelvaca "se bel va, to ta bobbalona"
Brelvaca "hahahahahahahhaha, noob"
by shaggy September 2, 2004
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an evolution of the the word "brother" that carries about the same meaning as "bro". a masculine, heterosexual, and especially chill term of endearment
br' 1: sup br'
br' 2: not much br' just being my masculine, heteosexual, and especially chill self today
by roobite January 12, 2011
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Acronym for Born Retarded. Be very careful approaching these sensitive things, they can become very hostile, usually found in free online games.
These are the few you should beware of.

by nibbzy July 1, 2009
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short for "Bruh"
person1: I deleted my porn folder
person1: br
by ­­ August 10, 2021
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Abbreviation for battle rifle in the halo games or battle royale
a: wanna play fortnite br?
b: nah mate that's fucking bullshit
by pighyboy February 19, 2022
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