A political stance in which protects the human rights of a undeveloped human, but apparentley the feelings of the woman who was raped didn't matter.
"My sister was raped but due to the Pro Life laws, She was forced to have a kid she didn't want."
by Doeboy July 2, 2007
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Pro-Life is the term conservatives use to make it seem like those who disagree with them are "Pro-Death" or "Baby killers" and to draw attention away from the fact that most of them support the death penalty and wars for profit.
I'm Pro-Life so I killed a guy who worked at an abortion clinic.
by Incarnadine June 14, 2006
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"An Evil Fuck"?
"An Annoying Idiot"?
Pro-life evangelical Christian group bomb an abortion clinic while saying that every life is precious...wtf???
by artisresistance March 8, 2009
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Anti-Women's rights crusaders (like Sarah Palin) who are against all forms of abortion, including cases of rape, disability, and when the women's right is in danger.

Right to know birth control and other methods of teen pregnancy prevention (ie sex education) is being denied by these poorly educated religious fanatics. They insist in abstinence only education, which does not actually do anything to prevent teen pregnancy. Statistics show that 8/10 chastity vow takers break these pleges.

30 years ago in Roe V Wade the supreme court ruled that Abortion was legal, this right has been restricted ever since down to outright banning.

Their followers are usually naive bandwagoners.
Me: The Fetus has no nervous system and is technically not alive until the 3rd trimester

by ZappyPantz July 16, 2009
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a euphemism for anti-abortion by spin doctors who think this sounds more wholesome.
The Fundamentalist Christian is pro-life, but only if that means she doesn't have to acknowledge the mulatto infant as a human being, and someone else will raise it in a third world country like Mexico or Botswana.
by Fundamentalist Bigot June 29, 2003
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PRO-LIFE: Male dominated religious fascist movement. Purpose: keep women shoeless, pregnant, and ignorant of political power. Secondary purpose: endless army of expendable poor children. (Useful for generating ghettos, welfare, and statistics)
Pro Life is positive. I'm positive there's a billion starving children in the world.
by hellokitty_vs_satan October 18, 2006
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People who are pro-life tend to be right-wing christians.They claim that we do not have the right to play god,however, right wing christians are usually pro-death penalty. These same people that also fight for pro-life like to send death threats and bomb and kill abortionists.
"Im pro-life so i think people who abort should get the death penalty"
"Um, so then how are you pro-'life'?"
*runs away*
by nego December 2, 2005
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