A slang term, used especially is the North East of England, for a bout of diarrhea.
"I've got to go to the loo, I've got the shits."
by NorthEastEnglandMan August 18, 2023
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1) Where you take a shit, and it turns out to be molten lava made of fecal matter.
2) When you have a really bad stomach ache, so you shit, but 10 minutes after it comes back and you shit again, and it repeats forever until your stomach finally settles.
Def. 1:
Guy 1: Goddamn, I had the shits so bad last night!
Guy 2: Shouldn't have eaten those jalapeno poppers man.
Guy: *sitting on toilet* FUCK! When will these shits go away?!
by blarghinatelazer April 12, 2015
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Awesome, God-like, Beyond God-like. Almost at Chuck Norris status. Eg. The two guys in 'Sex Drive'.
Nerd: How do you get the confidence to hit on all these hot girls?
Guy: ...cos we're The Shit.
by Maddawg G August 9, 2009
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