The American word for football, because they are very small-minded and know nothing about anything outside of their state boundaries.
British person: hello, I'm from the UK.
American person: the UK? Wat, is tht, lyk 3rd world???
British person: er.. no.
American person: oh. Do u ply soccer over there? Thts the bezt sport evva.
British person: I think you mean football?
American person: noooo. Soccer.
British person: well, it's believed that the ancient Romans came up with it. They lived in Europe, and the Europeans call it football, so I'm pretty sure that it's football.
American person: w/e, third world person.
by agb2001 November 2, 2009
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A: wanna go play some football?
B: you mean soccer or football?
A:i mean football, not hand-egg.
by lykaj June 6, 2011
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good sport to play and just as good as American Football and if you think otherwise your an ignorant dumb ass who needs to really get over yourself and die.Just as physical as American:Football Basketball, and then of coarse Lacrosse

soccer players that think otherwise are the reason no other types of sports players like them and thats why we make fun of you(you act like ass wholes sometimes)
Friend:Hey mike you gonna play soccer.

Mike:Yeah that game with two goal posts on a large field
by Sports Guy December 4, 2009
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John: I was watching some soccer last nite! It got intense!
Luke: Haha I bet the girl was all wet.
Other guys: *laughing*
by Soccerplayer123 January 10, 2011
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The disease that makes you want to play soccer/football.

Usually acquired after a period of time of not smelling the grass on the pitch or your own soccer boots.
I caught Socceritis this weekend, so I played soccer the whole time
by Soccer4ever December 19, 2008
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Noun. A sport played world wide with limited popularity in America due to contact rules (and coaching staffs) which encourage players to act like sissies despite not actually being sissies. This annoys Americans because if Americans want to watch grown men fake injuries, they watch professional wrestling.
The number of injury timeouts in this soccer match rivals American football for commercial breaks. I should have tuned in to Rugby.
by American Rugby July 10, 2011
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Dumbest game ever. Involves a bunch of fags running up and down a three mile long field trying to kick a ball into a net like fifty yards wide. There is normally about thirty people from each team on the field at once. Teams only score like 1 goal a game. Its boring as shit. People call it the most popular sport to make themselves feel better about liking a garbage ass game. Requires no skill except for running and kicking a ball. Oh yea and flopping. Look at someone wrong and they will flop thirty feet and you will get a red card and be forced to sit your ass on the bench the rest of the game. They run around like Kenyans out there and you can't even sub people in. The clock don't even stop when the ball goes out of bounds. When someone finally scores you would think they just won the lottery or some shit. And who the Fuck decided to name it soccer? What the hell kind of name is that. Football makes more sense but American football kinda took over the name cuz its like 1000000000 times better. Lousy excuse for a sport. It's for white Europeans who aren't good enough to play real sport like basketball, baseball, hockey, American football, or anything else that actually requires skill.
Watching Golf> Soccer
by Its_Butters December 6, 2017
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