During anal sex doggie style, when the female begins to crap, or poke a turtle head, the male jams the crap back in with his penis.
"Lisa told me she had to deuce last night before sex. I was so horny I told her to wait. Unfortunately I had to give her the old San Clemente Sludge Sled to keep it in a little longer so I could cum."
by Jimmy Thekcoch January 9, 2012
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Only the select few prime rib grade E bottom of the barrel meat get these little titles handed down from the actual mafia cunts. Most are troll like men wearing their little badges proudly.
I stole CrimsonKing02's sludge mafia approval badge lol
by NIC September 25, 2003
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When someone elses poo gets in your pants.
Man 1: "Oh man, somebody's poo just got in my pants."

Man 2: "Sounds like you got a sludgee."
by Law of the Jungle January 27, 2011
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a person who has just hooked up with someone who is dirty , or is basically a slut or man-whore.
"damn! ew man you been getting sludged ?!"

no haha she was clean.
by master sludger October 19, 2010
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Anal sex with a female who has diarrhea. The sloppy kind. You take an egg forming stencil for the McDonalds egg mcmuffin and let it drip from the tip of the old yogurt cannon. Once it solidifies, you punch the girl in the face "hockey style", and slip the sludge puck back up the processed food removal orafice.
Man, that chick tried to stop the old sneaky sludge puck maneuver last night.
by OldGregFool January 8, 2020
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Something that is nudged 100% of the time without fail.
Sludge was cut in line by 6 school children at Subway and didn’t make a peep.
by Doc Daubert December 18, 2022
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