An unofficial holiday created by Facebook users. It is said to occur on October 13th of each year. On this day, one is supposed to be especially vigilant of sexual innuendo and double entendre in their conversations with others. When a statement is made that fits the latter characteristics one is to reply with "that's what she said".
Jessica: "I thought it would be longer."
Rob: "That's what she said!"
Jessica: "Ew, pervert!"
Rob: "No, No - it's okay. It's National "That's What She Said" Day."
Jessica: "Oh, that makes sense."
by ThusSpokeRob October 12, 2008
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A euphemism for when a woman has been sexually assaulted
Mark: hey Brett what u doin tonight?
Brett: I dunno, let's get blackout drunk and find some ladies for a game of he said, she said
by gedankedank September 28, 2018
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another one of those third grade things that gets old REALLY fast that people say when they don't grow up and are stuck in the gutter
Guy- Ahh fuck it's stuck!
Stupid immature douchebag- HURHUR THATS WHAT SHE SAID DAHUURRRRR!!!!
guy- Grow up, brah. What are you, in third grade?
by AliceSuperstarrr! September 25, 2012
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While making out with a chick, use your tounge to make contact with her uvula causing her to vomit into your mouth. You then vomit into her mouth and continue to make out.
Guy 1: Dude, I got plastered at this party and started making out with this chick.

Guy 2: Things get any where?

Guy 3: No, I did not have a condum. But she did introduce me to the "He Said She Said."
by M Stonewall April 30, 2010
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You say this when you want to annoy the fuck out of someone (repetitively).
When you don't care what someone is saying.
Or when you are trolling a chatroom that has a topic!

Created by some randomer called allowthewolf
Example 1 :

Person 1: Hi
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: WTF?
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Umm ok
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1 : STOP IT!!
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 2:

Person 1: So i just go a new bike today, with blue handle bars and it cost soo much ........
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 3:
*In a Chatroom*
Person 1: Yh I think chocolate ice cream is good
Person 2: Yh but i prefer rocky road
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 3 : I like strawberry
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Yh but its too sweet
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 2 : WTF IS THAT!!
Person 1: That does not even make sense
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
by amiimii August 21, 2011
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I said only partly i only love my bed and my momma
she said do you love me i said only partly i only love my bed and my momma im sorry
by my discord is Annoyingdog#7961 September 27, 2021
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