a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes, but had to suck a ridiculous amount of dick to get to their position.
Wow! Joel just became an LA Detective? I should buy him some mouthwash as a gift.
by axis32 April 17, 2023
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A.k.a. finely-pulverized talc. A substance utilized when you want to find out who's been cutting the cheese, but nobody's willing to 'fess up; the simple procedure involves having everyone strip down and stretch out on their stomachs, whereupon you sprinkle a moderate dusting of baby-powder on the lower half of their ass-cheeks, then watch for a "puffball eruption" --- busted!
Using fart-detecting compound can indeed be an excellent way of reliably determining "who did it", but you will want to be wary about slapping said odiferous-offender's butt afterwards, especially if you're an attractive female --- as you are all too aware, many dudes actually **enjoy** getting spanked by a cute gal (we find it fun and hilariously amusing, plus it makes us horny), and so your hot-headed attempt at getting back at said "whistleblower" may actually "backfire" --- literally! (Pun not intended, but certainly spot-on appropriate in this instance!) Said gassy dude --- and by extension, one or more of his other buddies in the room --- may then begin actively "tuning up the brass band" (and possibly even chow down on baked beans or other gas-producing delicacies to ensure an ample/continuous "supply" ) so as to "earn" smartly-administered swats from you, eventually leaving you with stinging palms and a major headache from da resulting stench.
by QuacksO December 5, 2018
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Someone who patrols mens rooms sniffing up evidence and determining who destroyed the air quality after the hanus crime of relieving there bowels.
Matt and Dave are the lead shit detectives sniffing up evidence in the mens rooms looking for the culprit who destroyed the air quality!!!
by Biglerdick1 August 22, 2022
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A group of online friends wearing the same or very similar skins killing people that aren't the same/similar skins repeatedly until they change
this is the drip detection squad and change the skin or and join us
by FatPogChamp44 September 10, 2021
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drunk detective is a phenomenon experienced by millions of teens and people in their twenties, occurring the morning after consuming alcohol to the point of "blacking out". drunk detective is the process by which one figures out what took place during the previous evening after the stage of blackout drunk began. drunk detective can be applied to a wide range of questions from something minuscule like "how did I get from the chair to my bed?" all the way up to "am I in fucking mexico? why do I have a forehead tattoo?" it can also refer to an individual undergoing the drunk detective process. Some experienced drunk detectives like to think of drunk detective as a game.
veteran drunk detectives note almost unanimously that the most valuable tools in drunk detective mystery solving are your cell phone's call history and texts sent and received during the correlating blackout drunk, as well as pocket contents especially receipts.
bro: "what happened to you after McGrath's last night?"

other bro:"I don't know bro, I can't even remember leaving, I have some serious drunk detective work to do"
by uncreative2 June 15, 2014
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a less intense way of saying "stalking" lol
Person 1: hey, i saw your follow request yesterday! btw how did you find my instagram 🤔
Person 2: it was for uh detective work
by hisokas.corset January 11, 2021
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