- win3.1 is really cool!
- i preffer winXP
by Visor December 8, 2003
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"Since i'm off Saturday, I can go to the party and the club too, so thats a win-win situation!!"
by ATL 098 February 11, 2010
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2 words

''Chuck Norris''
'' A round house kick doesn't just kill you, it wipes your whole existance from the space time continuem ''WIN''
by Slash /// January 8, 2009
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(Verb) the process of doing something radical or awesome that most likely involves partying with porn stars and doing lots of drugs. Frequently used by actor Charlie Sheen to describe a radical moment in his life.
Dane: Dude this party is radical!

Paul: Yea man! have a shot!

Dane: *gulps shot*

Dane: Winning!
by PollioCrow March 11, 2011
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noun. Word, title, and state of intoxication made popular by Charlie Sheen during his 2011 publicized battles with CBS, the media, drugs, and adult responsibility.
"Duh, WINNING!" / "Surprise, that's what winners do." / -Charlie Sheen (in response to virtually anything and everything)
by Jacks Heaping Sarcasm March 2, 2011
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What famous actor Charlie Sheen believes hes doing everyday but he just says that cause he got kicked off his show.
Charlie: I win at this I win at that I win at everything

viewer: Yeah okay charlie!
by the last mertoff March 11, 2011
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