Dr_.vr is a good Gtag player he is sometimes a crazy monkey and he follows every one back on tik tok
Is that dr_.vr run
by Dr_.vr March 24, 2022
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A monke from italy and also likes banan
Person 1:What is your favourite YouTuber?
Person 2: Gazo vr
by Luke Hallam April 24, 2022
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E-girls use it in their usernames. It stands for Virtual Reality Simulation. It means an artificial or imaginary universe.
I wish the anime boys from vrs were real.”
by purpl3co3din3g1rl November 7, 2020
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Type of car that only big dick white european men drive.
"Mario drives a Vrs, he must have a big ass dick"
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A social game of, 0 gravity ultimate frisbee-Socker. Known for e sports and it’s high skill ceiling. It’s players range from 5 year olds screaming slurs, and singing we don’t talk about Bruno, to absolute mega chads that break the scales of mega chad-ness.

This game is also much cheaper than the Eiffel tower as it cost no money.
“Hey John ever play echo vr?”
“Yeah it was awesome a mega chad helped me clap a bunch of squeakers
by AtusticTrtl September 4, 2022
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The best person to have ever lived! He's a Rec Room YouTuber, he's funny and knows how to make you laugh!
Person: Have you seen Squid-vr's new video??

Person 2: Yeah, I subscribed to him!!
by May 14, 2022
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