When having sex with a girl who’s just been filled with another man’s cum and are then the porridge stirrer
Stacey fucks me
I cum in stacey
Stacey goes home and has sex with her boyfriend
He is now my porridge stirrer
by DanksyDan November 4, 2022
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When your pullout game is weak and you have to duck down and suck out the baby gravy before you get her preggo.
I had to eat panic porridge for breakfast this morning because the morning quickie was a little too quick!
by Wilskins May 6, 2022
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To insert unnecessary chaos into a situation. To escalate matters. To absolutely wreck someone's entire world possibly forever.
Fred: Just don't mention her ex-boyfriend when you talk to her. You'll just stir the Norwegian's porridge.

Jake: Got it. The last thing I want to do is to make a scene.
by benlulz January 23, 2021
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Pressing the penis' tip firmly to your girlfriend's anus hole, unbeknownst to her while she's sleeping; slowly milking out a hot load of semen and ejaculating the whole shot directly into her butt without waking her up.
After me and Wendy had had a few drinks and some sex, she decided to stay the night over, so while she was sleeping I cuddled up tightly to her backdoor and fed her some communist porridge.
by Typewriter '79 February 7, 2022
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Means a male that is a pussyhole, basically doesn't fight nor stand up for himself
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A big-hearted clumsy try-hard
Look at him running around all beefy making a nuisance of himself. He's a right porridger!
by Misha T March 9, 2016
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Example: Look at him running around with his elbows out. He's a right porridger!
by Pikkapowa March 9, 2016
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