P issed at
M en
S yndrome
"'Hi! How are you?" "FUCK OFF!!!!!"
"I'm PMS-ing." "no way! Me too!" "Omigosh! Flow sisters!"
by ngvjdsfnsivnw May 13, 2010
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(n)Time of the year where girls go chaotic
(v) Get pissed off
1.) Sally can't swim due to her PMS
2.) OMG ur PMSing Sally
by PW March 3, 2003
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The pain a woman suffers for not becoming pregnant when she should have
She. Gaud, I’m suffering again from PMS.
He. Ah, serves you right for not getting pregnant, not enough sex a fortnight ago.
by dave aaroon January 23, 2008
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generic concert goer: I hate this band.
generic concert goer 2: It's PMS!
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My woman's PMSing- It's time to Pack My Shit.
by syg January 23, 2008
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A condition that women make up, as excuse for being a total bitch once a month
I've got PMS, don't upset me for 3 days.

fuck off, im going down the pub.
by Nick1401 January 23, 2008
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I can't take it anymore, my girlfriend keeps sending me PMS on my cellphone
by Hugotohell March 19, 2009
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