The term you use when you feel intimately isolated and in need of physical affection, but forgot what being touched starved is
Tod: I’ve been feeling really innocent horny lately. I need a hug.
Hans: Sounds like you’re just touch starved.
by TheKingofBeans December 2, 2021
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One who finds themselves in the position of an empty bathroom let alone oneself and another. in an attempt to avoid the 'other' person thinking that you're listening to them pee, one must wash their hands or loudly fix themselves while perhaps tapping their foot in the mirror.
I was fixing my hair in the bathroom being an innocent handwasher, but i was sure Betsy thought i was listening to her take a shit, so i washed my hands while singing very loudly instead.
by maddash15 August 20, 2011
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a group with a large amount of virgins that are not innocent, the innocent part is ironic.
person A: hey did you see those innocent virgin clits?
person B: I don't get the name
person A: they're all virgins but they aren't innocent, that part is ironic
by Dumbassbitchhh November 15, 2020
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It is a state of mind that assumes that everyone is faggot until evidence of being straight is presented.
Person 1: “Do you think Mique is gay?”

Person 2: “Well, faggot until proven innocent! I haven’t seen any evidence of him being straight.”
by Ihatetheantichrist October 27, 2021
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the fact of being scientifically innocent. the admision of taking a police brbe in court. the distiction between diplomatic decision and scientific facts. real hard evidence. not the expert witness textimony of twelve strangers overhearing 100,000 peoples rumours. scientific fact with concrete satilite evidence.
backed by satellite thermal imaging and magnification into your home since the USA army claims it can "see up your ass" as is observable in the jarhead series, that's being scientifically innocent.
by Cody5050 December 12, 2020
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she sounds so innocent because she is the most perfect person in the word and omg??? im inlove with her :)
gi : hi
me : why does my gf sound so innocent FKHASJKFHASJFHAKFHAMARRYME?
by personallyidk October 4, 2022
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a innocent bribe is when you are innocent of a crime but you look really guilty. too much falsified evidence against you or powerful people accusing you. where its no way out and you will be find guilty no matter what. so you offer the police an innocent bribe telling them to take a bribe because you are innocent and its no way to beat this case. and it really comes down to your character how you live your life and what you did with it. to see if they trust you. you may even have a track record of previous crimes that people frame you for, and thought you would win because you was innocent and got found guilty for everything. it could of been multiple crimes that are similar to make you look guilty too. so this will be your only way out.
look mr/mrs officer i am innocent of these crimes but its no way to win this case. so take this innocent bribe so i can be free. you could even monitor secretly and see i dont do no other crimes and even the people who accuse me unless they are wolves/wolf in sheep clothing. you wont ever see the real them then.
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