v: means to "take that", comes from die and like it; it is used when you get a really good shot on someone in mario cart
(you hit toad with a well placed green shell and he falls into the water)

by candaaaaay November 8, 2006
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what has angie been doing today??

oh that sussy baka? she has been licking my toe
by duhpresseddoggi July 15, 2021
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Short for Androgynous, combining the Andro and Gyno parts in small, pronounceable package.
Person 1: “What gender are they?”
Person 2: “I don’t know, they are to angy
by Nanbranah February 12, 2021
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The word used for a pshyciotic female meltdown. Symptoms usually include crying, screaming, paranoia, violence, compulsive lying, over exaggeration, depression, manic depression, spontaneous outbursts, cursing, throwing of objects, spitting, and occasionally, foaming of the mouth.
Example: "Sarah left me 3 voice mails, 20 texts, unfriended me on Facebook, keyed my car, and poisoned my dog. Looks like The Angie has struck again!"
by cassa0602 September 8, 2014
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Angies are rare . They are really funny and random and fun to be around. They love listening to music and blocking out the people they hate . Angies are quite if you dont know them but are very talkative once you get to know them . They will laugh and wont stop untill theres tears coming out of there eyes . They are really private and tend to keep most things to them selves they say they dont have any crushes but they secretly do . They know how to fight and i wouldnt mess with them when there mad . They love there family and friends and they are very protective . Angies tend to get Wrapped up in there thoughts but all in all they are really funny and random and loving.

They have a few but loyal and faithful friends.

According to a user from Philippines, the name Angielyn means "Love of god". A user from Guam says the name Angielyn is of English origin and means "Thanks".
Angie Lyn can be your friend or your enemy, it depends on how you treat them
by MinYoongix June 7, 2021
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Angie Yonaga is a V3 Character, She's underrated, As most of the manipulation she does has good intentions, For the killing game to stop.

She has a good friendship with Himiko and is somewhat rivals with Tenko.
She lives in a small tropical island, With all of the citizens following her orders since she's the vessel of Atua.
The reason she falls in love with you when you're angry at her, Is like I said, She hasn't gotten yelled at before.
She is a sweet and bubbly girl. She is a master manipulator, Often for good.
She is quite weird at first glance but during her free time events you get to know why.
Person A:Angie Yonaga is really underrated.

Person B: I don't really like Angie Yonaga, But I do agree she's underrated.
by melancholyy August 2, 2020
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The one and only... she may not admit it but she truly is the most amazing, beautiful Gurl you can ever meet. She is who she is and that is perfect.
DAMN!!! gir,l that Angie Jane is PERFECT.
by PartyRock612 July 8, 2011
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