Sadness is a simple emotion. you feel sad. like me rn. Just a hug can make you cry a lot. Talking to some people hurt, because its hard to keep everything inside you. If someone there for you, use it. A teacher at school, friend, family. anything. If your sad rn. keep hope, theres people that loves you. I know its hard and maybe you have fake friends that insults you. Bro, they're not your friends. Its okay to go away from negative people. Writing help. Singing help. Dancing maybe. Sleeping. its gonna be all right.
I think they are sad.
Yes its called Sadness
by mydadismybf November 23, 2021
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Anything making you feel down about yourself, or others. Also making it seem like you want to cry.
"I am about to cry"
by Myguy01/07/09 April 17, 2021
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Sadness is an emotion
Sometimes it is needed

Sometimes it is awful
Sadness can cover someone's light and leave them in the darkness
Sadness can be the emotion you feel after feeling numb inside

People see sadness as a down side to life but everyone feels it. It's normal to feel it.

You are your one person. Some people are more emotional than others.

Don't let the sadness take over and if you have let someone be the light.
"i was sad yesterday, it felt great to let that emotion being expressed"

"I can feel the sadness taking over"
by Koryoki November 4, 2020
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Shown with an emoji :( Generally describes a feeling in which someone is feeling down and well... sad. What I went through while writing this for real
Corey: Dude sadness hit me hard today, :(
Jack: Yep. Feel down and degrade yourself. That will only supplement the amount of problems you have.
by God of family-friendliness December 14, 2021
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Something you feel that is agonizing. Something that you feel you're soaked in. It hangs around you for a while, and oftentimes you'll feel guilty. Or upset, maybe even angry.
(Insert name.) - " Awe, now the air is thick with sadness."
by Tess- April 6, 2022
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