Almost any time in the day when a NIGGA, feels sad. Normally about 12am.
-"Dude, im in SAD NIBBA HOURS, my girlfriend left me" :(
-"Shit thats sad, ACTIVATE SAD NIBBA HOURS".
by MemeBOIiiiiiiii October 16, 2017
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when a nibba or whigga from Sturke feels depressed/sad. Can Occur at any time of the day when the nibba (or Whigga) is feeling miserable and low. (also include Dank Children from Ekh)
Fläsk is having "Sad Sturke Hours" when he wakes up middle of the night and start kicking his wall multiple times.
by Jonas_Tejpbit January 24, 2018
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When parter does the puppy dog eyes and their eyebrows go up at an angle
She gave me the sad brows when I said screw ya ass
by Nikos Brown October 17, 2021
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how i feel most of the time :(....
Bobby-how are you feeling, feeling today?
Jonogan-soup-er-sad :(....
Bobby-good, i hate you
by RILEYxxHENDRIXheheh November 26, 2021
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