When a girl lays on the ground with her legs spread and the guy stands a good distance away and he tries to shoot cum into her tang
by Dick longington June 21, 2018
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A tricky way of saying NO which sounds like agreement at the very start. Derived from the Russian phrase meaning "If only" or "I wish I could". It should be pronounced as a firm YES with addition of "leeba" after a short pause (to gain an emphatic effect you can even prolong the S sound and then add the ending without a pause).
- Hey dude, don't swim here, it's dangerous! Do you understand me? Do you speak English?
- Yes...leeba
by Murdoc Kylburne January 17, 2017
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A line uttered by the incompetent when straddled with information they cannot possibly comprehend, because of their level of ineptitude being a single figure number and thus higher than their IQ. While being questioned about seemingly simple items, the perpetrator of the “Yes that’s correct” will simply respond with exactly that, being extremely convincing in their absolute single mindedness of the “Yes that’s correct” statement. Essentially there should be laws allowing normals that have to deal with these sorts of fuckwits, the ability to gun them down and humiliate their family for life because they are insufferable idiots and need to be kicked in the nuts the first time they utter the words. Simple minded people who supply simple minded answers to intelligent questions should no longer be tolerated and should be sent to the moon.
“Theres no anti virus on this internet exposed server”, “Yes that’s correct
“The remote monitoring tool is not installed on one server at this site”, “Yes that’s correct”
“I have written a long winded email and explained everything im doing to you, but you seem to want to keep writing emaisl that go over my original point, highlighting your inability to read, comprehend and realise you are too dumb to be a part of this conversation”, “Yes that’s correct”
by honneamise September 6, 2021
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Used as a reply if somebody says yes more.
Me: I’m done my fifth lap can I take a break now?
Gym Teacher: No, now go run ten more laps.
Me: No More

Gym Teacher: Yes More
Me: Yes Less
by Kaputnik57 July 20, 2019
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The opposites of the words “no” and “more” and that are merged together to become a phrase that ultimately means the same thing as no more.
Me: I just got done running five laps can I take a break
Gym Teacher: No, now go run ten more
Me: No More
Gym Teacher: Yes More
Me: Yes Less
by Kaputnik57 July 20, 2019
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Girls must say yes to every and any question, this holiday is every "December 10th' this day was created due to national boy say yes day which is every December 8th
by janae0111 December 8, 2021
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