White peoples very own stench that smells absolutely horrid.
Jimmy smells so bad, he’s definitely the stereotypical BO stinker.”
by HaloGuy2948 October 16, 2023
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The beautiful and life affirming anus of a gorgeous twink.
Therapist: "How have you been feeling lately?"

Client: "I was feeling depressed, but then I plowed a twink stinker and now feel that life is worth living again."
by Jack Atrophy August 6, 2022
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In baseball, when a pitcher has an outright horrific performance to the point the home crowd may even be booing their own team. Usually the type of game you will be leaving early -- a stinkfest.
Billy: did you see the game last night bro?
Hubert: dude, Shawn tossed a stinker giving up 9 runs in one inning... it was so bad even our home crowd was booing -- total stinkfest -- embarrassed I was even there bro. Shawn's ERA is ruined for the rest of the season now LMAO
by chr0meice91 April 19, 2022
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After butt sex, you go and give your woman a kiss of passion on the toilet while she laughs of the smell and pooping out your seed.
Barf.. stinker kids
by Mrmarcusjr January 10, 2022
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A stinker ball is a whitish colored popcorn-like ball that is usually coughed up. When said ball is smashed, the smell is like death.
I coughed up a white thing and omg it smelled so bad. I shall call this creature stinker ball
by Queen lamb September 17, 2013
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The act of participating in unclean anal sex and having your partner shit your dick back out
“Hey man have you ever done a Dirty Stinker?”

No not yet she won’t let me”

“Dang that sucks last week my dick stank for days”
by Psymdm June 20, 2021
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how ava feels about keegan
ava, he doesn’t like u, ur a simp stinker
by ACM15 April 10, 2021
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