my two fav words in the English language
can be used when dealing with something that gets you shook, ranging from a random pop quiz to a highly attractive person
sally: "bro did u finish last month's homework"
rick:"lol no one does homework tho "
sally:"yea but I heard lee's gonna take it up this time"
sally:"ik but he cant take it up when no one in class did it you know "
rick:"ok true true"
by whatislifeman September 6, 2017
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1.what people say when they dont wanna say shit or damn..from the *oh* so popular maulibu's most wanted
"ah! shiz-nit"
by miller December 1, 2003
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A synonym for shit
its less harsh, but the word shit should still be used.
Dude: "that chick is off the shiz niter"
by andy February 13, 2005
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When you're unable to use the word 'shit'. A replacement word for the word shit. Or when something is just so incredibly shitty that you're unable to even use the word shit anymore to justify how shitty it is.
I am going to lose my shiz

This is some crazy shiz
by RandomToast August 19, 2018
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