A combination of Swahili , French , and Jamaican , that stands for hot horse(female) vagina.
Moto - hot in Swahili
Jument - female horse(chaval means male horse)

Pum Pum - what jamaicans say when referring to the vagina

Also something me and my friends say when a girl who stink walks by.
Person 1: Man you smell that.
Person 2: Yeah that girl walked by and she smelt like moto jument pum pum.
Person 1 & 2: silently giggles.
by anonymous_00099988877766655544 October 23, 2019
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bizarre but highly loveable cross between a motorcycle and a very fast tractor engine.
Although they are no Ducati, they were rudely fast in their day, and have quite rightly aquired the glow of legendary status.
A well ridden example will still scare the crap out of a modern ricer on the right road, and sound superb while doing so.
Later examples got more powerful, faster, heavier, taller in the seat and scarier to ride at speed, the very best example of this is the Mk4, best avoided unless you LIKE surges of adrenalin for all the wrong reasons
"Hey man, I was riding my 1100 Honsakawaki the other day, and I crapped myself when i was overtaken around a corner by a guy on a really loud red bike"

"Oh, did you see what it was?"

"Well it sounded like a Harley on acid!, I thought it was a Ducati, but when I did catch up it was a Moto Guzzi Le Mans!"
by 750monza August 21, 2009
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Any extremely non-matching, odd, or brightly colored outfit in a business setting. Acceptable ONLY if accompanied with a black suit jacket.

Originated from motorcycling multimedia company "Vision Moto" as a response to their take on the formality of the global business scene.
Dude! That Pablo Cruise t-shirt with those denim shorts, backwards flatbill hat topped off with the sweet suit jacket makes for a perfect Vision Moto business suit.
by VMKTMFAN007 December 18, 2009
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uwu, DECEMBER 1, The day you ship those three smartass boys! And the day that meme comes ALIVE!!! hahaha I am very cOoL gUy B- >
A Ruth: " Hey GAYbriel "
A Gaybriel: " What? "
A Ruth: " TODAY IS " Make a GaYbriel say the " MOTO MOTO" meme to a Fransisco and a Kevin O. DaY " "
A Gaybriel: " Alrighty ChAeEeE "
* He goes *
* A Melissa throws water on him *
Gaybriel: I LikE thEm BiG I LiKE cHuNkY "
by kAiLa ThE UWU cOoL GuY cHaEeE November 15, 2019
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1: We may be lost but we're makin' good time!

2: Anyone from MASS who likes gettin dirty in the garage, Make their own parts, Do their own work and putting together any type of death trap that can sling them down the road in a dangerous fashion and a high rate of speed.-eg. motorcycles, hot rods, minibikes, lead sleds,a fuckin moped,ect..

3: Would rather party in the garage than watch T.V. in the house.

4: Fuck Cunts!

5: Fuck ya if you can't take a joke!
Holly shit! Those Masshole Moto dudes just ripped though here on they're scoots, did some burn out's drank all the beer and picked up all the chicks.

Them fellas at Masshole Moto can build some sick shit!
by El P. November 21, 2011
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