The state of constant defiance to feeling in the wrong or defeated, these character types go about doing the honorable work in a quiet manner. Often looking to other’s to explain their own feelings of salt. It’s not a way of life that is chosen but it chooses you.
Benji was the only person worth any salt in the board room meeting that morning. It’s the salt lifestyle that gave Benji the foresight to recommend moving the staff entrance away from the fitness centre attached to the building.
by Don Pinche de Cabron February 18, 2021
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A lifestyle that tries to duplicate/replicate a fantasy down to the tiniest details. Whether its clothing, hairstyle, lifestyle, food, personality quirks, etc etc. Its a very extreme dillusion. If Your concerned that you are one or living that way, dont worry... your concern shows your not one. A person living this life style cannot discern real life and reality.

A example is a anime fan who eats, sleeps, breath the lifestyle of zeon soldier.
David, a person who chose the fanatic lifestyle, sat at his table in his apartment that was modeled like a starships cafeteria
by Theamazinggeek March 22, 2018
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An outdoor shopping plaza, typically with several other store spaces spread throughout the parking lot. The death of the modern mall. (see dead mall, mall)

Many shopping centers like this may include big retail stores, such as Walmart, Home Depot, Target, etc.
Brenda: "Harold, the new Urban Square Commons' grand opening is happening next week!"

Harold: "I told you they would turn it into a damn lifestyle center!"
by zRxvr March 28, 2022
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-The act of one person taking anger or bitterness from one part of their life and venting it onto you, I.E trying to "throw dirt on your shoulder, Throw shade" They're jealous and basic and are not thrilled with your advances in life.

Lint on my lifestyle: When someone is unhappy and slightly jealous they may feel the need to give you a backhanded compliment or a simple dig simply because they feel poorly about themselves in comparison to you.
PERSON A -"OMG you haven't been answering me, I see on Facebook you've been going to upscale events and shows!"


Throw Lint on my lifestyle: When someone is unhappy and slightly jealous they may feel the need to give you a backhanded compliment or a simple dig simply because they feel poorly about themselves in comparison to you.

noun: lint
short, fine fibers that separate from the surface of cloth or yarn, especially during processing.
a fabric, originally of linen, with a raised nap on one side, used for dressing wounds.
the fibrous material of a cotton boll.
flax fibers prepared for spinning.

Lifestyle (sociology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Way of life" redirects here. For other uses, see Way of life (disambiguation).
The term lifestyle can denote the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture
by HoLjOnes July 14, 2015
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A person who takes shortcuts in life to achieve the same result.
I went to the gym and lost 60 lbs. but a lifestyle jacker gets liposuction to lose 60 lbs. aka slacker aka damn I work hard
by The Original Blaqadomas April 27, 2018
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someone who lives the preppy anime tradie lifestyle, is usually very aesthetic, enjoys watching anime and aspires to drop out of school and become a tradie. this style is extremely odd and there are barely any people who fall under this category of lifestyle. however those people are known to be successful in life.
look at that stunning, shunky person living the preppy anime tradie lifestyle
by preppy queen April 17, 2022
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A lifestyle babe is a woman that presents themselves as someone who lives a lavish life, regardless of how truthful that is. They will frequently post pictures of luxurious items and places while pictures of themselves will only ever involve dresses and/or heels. They are sometimes good looking and invest a lot of money into their appearance.

They have a negative stigma of being shallow or nearsighted however there are some that just like to look nice and surround themselves with similar things. They are also commonly associated with trappers and fraudsters.
She's always snapping (taking pictures of) dashboards in expensive cars and eating at posh restaurants. She's defo a lifestyle babe.
by .925ST February 1, 2023
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