When a gay British vampire is about to start kicking really fast with his punchy ghost or is about to hit you with a road sign
Goodbye,(your name)! HUNK

by ZA WARUDO 11 December 14, 2021
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Adj- Someone who walks around with a tank top in hopes of showing off their muscles to acquire females.
Girl 1: Omg that guy over there is such a hunk! Look at his big muscles and his handsome tan! I want to be his baby momma !

Girl 2: Wow you are so right girllll he’s such a hunk. He also has a twin brother, lets go see if those hunks want to take us out and have a foursome!
by Nick Girrz November 19, 2019
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A hunk is strong a hunk is sexy smooth muscular and confident so basically a Matthew 😭🥺🥺
Oh look at Matthew. What a hunk! (This is for you mgg)
by January 27, 2021
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Having anal sex while riding a horse and only wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and a belt.
Look at that cowboy riding, he's a true Texas Hunk.
by Venomous Nutt January 27, 2023
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The actor receives hundreds of pieces of hunk mail each day.
by smjgJsbjgsm April 20, 2018
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The science of what people consider sexy or attractive.
Advertisers choose their models after doing a lot of hunk science.
by smjgJsbjgsm September 5, 2018
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