When you act like an idiot either directly before or after a nasty headache.
“Shit, I had such bad headache brain I literally forgot about my pizza I put in the oven and let it burn
by Purslaypussy September 12, 2022
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Ugghhh... that was a heavy duty party last night... ive glt a massive, uhh beer headache?
by xNerdProx August 27, 2016
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A headache you get from not getting enough attention
Hey bro nobody is texting me, I’m getting an attention headache. Thanks for teaching me this word Mike Davis
by Crx_407 January 1, 2022
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The inventor of the headache. Created when John Headache tried to think too hard in 1882. We hate this guy and his cursed invention.

Remember people, we were supposed to live a world free from thought. Thinking only makes brain sad and hurty.
"my head hurts wtf"
"You are likely experiencing a headache. These grievances were created by one John Headache. You have him and only him to blame. Stop thinking immediately to reduce harm."
by TheRatEmpire November 9, 2023
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When you wake up at sadnigga hours between the times of 3-6 am ... possibly even earlier and you get this insane headache wondering why but then you rmb you just got out of a relationship w the person you thought you would be with forever and then not only your heart but also your chest starts to ache in a way that science cannot explain but we all know it exists bc we feel it and you want to cry but you can’t bc your head hurts so bad and you are stuck w pain and the thoughts of what could’ve been... you pop some aspirin but it feels like it’s never ending then yours eyes start to burn a bit bc you just want it to end you just want to sleep in peace but you can’t. You’re just left with a unnecessary amount of thoughts and memories that just keep appearing uncontrollably . It feels like it’s getting worse before it gets better.
I woke up with a breakup headache and I sat there In agony.
by Truthhcentrall July 2, 2019
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when you get out of a hot bath and all your mucles seem weak
i cant do the yardwork right now i have a bath headache
by jojopotatoe42 November 3, 2020
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Trying to block ads on Instagram. No matter how many your block, a hundred more appear.
Every time I block an ad on Instagram, I get this headache with pictures. More and more and more ads. It’s a visual migraine.
by Wi$dom February 13, 2022
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