Just like how there’s a very common saying, stop thinking with your dick which is when guys make a decision based on their horniness in order to satisfy their dick without thinking about the consequences.

There’s stop thinking with your clit (short for clitoris) for girls when they make decisions based on their horniness in order to satisfy their vagina.
Why are you calling that guy ? Stop thinking with your clit Karen!
by iamsecretlybatman July 9, 2021
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No! I don't want to do that at all!
Hym "Nonono... 'Stop thinking' is probably the only thing I don't want to do. YOU probably would like me to stop... But I'll never stop! Especially after I get the robo-body. But no... And negativity is good. So, yeah... No."
by Hym Iam January 24, 2024
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