when you put a twinkie on your brothers wiener and eat it off while he’s jizzing in it
by bootyclapper3000 January 14, 2020
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A cute way to ask somebody to fuck with you.
Boy: Hey.. wanna twinkle with me tonight?
Girl: Awe yes! Definitely yes.
by HolaCelisee¿ April 24, 2020
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A cute way to ask somebody to fuck with you.
Boy: Hey.. wanna twinkle with me tonight?
Girl: Awe yes! Definitely yes.
by HolaCelisee¿ April 24, 2020
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Refers to a dude's taking a whiz which includes sparkly particles due to his having recently received a blowjob from a chick who was wearing glitter-lipstick at da time.
Slick WIllie probably took a twinkle-tinkle more than a lot of guys, seeing as how he was able to "get some" from so many females over his lifetime.
by QuacksO December 27, 2022
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When u love some one so much that she makes your dick twinkle harder than thank the rock on viagra.
Damn ‘’Caitlin was looking so hot today she gave me the biggest twinkle foot I had to run to the bath room and rub one off with a warm wool sock.’’
by Chandler cedercock January 26, 2018
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The moment euphoria pushes you to an out of this world, into the stars experience
Jes saw Timmy and immediately had a creamed twinkle
by Timmy2X July 27, 2017
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