A slang for ''Yooo''
Person 1: Sup bro,
Person 2: wanna see my new jacket?
Person 1: Sure
Person 2 shows jacket*
Person 1: Sheesh
Person 2: Sheesh
by alex from poland krakow October 12, 2021
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arielle is amazing, she is pretty cool but grace is better 🐀
arielle is that amazing, cool person over there kissing the boys but grace is better she is by the bubbler...SHEESHHHHHH
by gracetheswaggyperson April 29, 2021
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- Similar meaning to DAMN!
- Something to say when you are impressed at something
Sheesh that's a dope car
by ಠ ೧ ಠ No name September 19, 2021
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To party, to "full send", to go all out. It can also be used when something great happens or when you see a hot girl. It is to be said in a high pitched voice.
Ayo on Friday we are all sheeshing right?
I got an A on the test? SHEEEESH
ayo u see that peng ting over there? SHEEEESH
by Thericefarmer January 15, 2021
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does this even need explaining??? SHEEESSSHHH
“Dude did you see me get that girls number???”

by youtube salixfn April 8, 2021
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Sheesh mean when someone annoys you or when you like something u like “SHESSH THAT SHIT IS SO GO0D DAMN”
“Sheesh I love u
by Yasmine dallas fr December 8, 2019
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