The passive consolidation of digitally produced or procured data which can be processed and disseminated to support the protection of a military force. DFP is not targeting or collection and is never active.
Digital Force Protection (DFP) is NOT SIGINT , NOT EW and NOT CYBER, It is DFP you stupid SOF VAMPIRE!!
by GFYSUDFA April 8, 2021
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When your friends have more comebacks and sarcasm than you. Also, you have no comeback at all or strain to say something, but something stupid and useless comes out. Not so witty, go to the back of the class.

Another word for "you suck".
Witless: "I wish I'd said that."
Wiseass: "Dude, welcome to the Witless Protection Program"
by September 6, 2010
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Marketing-speak for a chronic oil leak on your automobile - generally one that takes more effort to fix than the car is worth. Comes standard on most General Motors products since the early 60s, as well as Saab 900 series.
Click: Dude have you seen that grease spot on your inner fender?
Clack: Oh don't worry about it, that's just active undercarriage rust protection. Paid extra for it. I think.
by Buick Roadmaster May 11, 2011
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Someone with absolutely no taste in music at all, who is protective, in an unsettling way. Although this puffball is unpredictably protective at strange intervals, this does not bother the person being protected one bit. In fact, it pleases them.
That Pleasingly Protective Provoking Puffball dragged the class nerd away from me yet again... but I'm not complaining!
by not the real raspy June 17, 2016
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Did I ever tell you all the story of the Bernard Hopkins fight I watched once?
Hym “No? Ok. Bernard Hopkins (At last I think it watch him) won this fight against some Irish guy, right? And, throughout the match, here’s what he would do: he would clinch the guy, spin him around so that he (Bernard Hopkins) was between the ref and his opponent, and then he would rabbit punch him in the kidneys (against the rules). This happened so frequently the the opponent (can’t remember his name) stopped in the middle of the fight, looked at the ref, and raised his arms and said ‘What the fuck.’ He then proceeded to get jabbed in the face and I shit you not the ref looked him dead in the eyes and said ‘protect yourself at all times.’ I sat on my couch, mouth agape, in disbelief at what I was witnessing. Protect yourself at all times. That’s all the lousy motherfucker had to say for himself. Unbelievable. And that’s what this is like. You are all (both) the ref and the Bernard Hopkins. I couldn’t find the fight when I was looking for it but I will never forget that shit for the rest of my life.”
by Hym Iam October 16, 2022
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