a really potent strain of marijuana.
Jeff brought Mr. Nice Guy to the party and we got sooooo stoooooned!
by grover17 April 6, 2007
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it's a simp BUTTTT he has no sexual intentions.

But hes still a nice guy- but also a simp
person 1:"you're a fucking simp"
person 2: " yeah but i prefer nice guy"
person 1: " you is nice guy simp"
by DJKALID May 10, 2020
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A guy who goes out of his way to prove his “niceness” to the world but is really just an asshole who cannot handle being told “no” or being rejected in any way shape of form
Guy: I’m such a nice guy you should give me a chance

Girl: no thanks I’m good

Guy: fine you deserve to die bitch! I hope you suffer endlessly I’m too good for you! You don’t deserve my love!
Girl to their friend: wow he gives off nice guy syndrome
by The trvth August 15, 2021
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A man who takes on the aspects of a nice guy, but only until he is rejected. At that point, he will abandon her and redirect his efforts toward other girls. While the result can be problematic for the girl who just rejected him, especially if he previously went to great lengths to do nice things for her, he will justify his behavior with the claim that he doesn't like being used.
Me: "I'm a conditional nice guy."
Other guy: "So you're a douchebag?"
Me: "No, I am a nice guy, but only until she rejects me."
Other guy: "But she has the right to say 'no'."
Me: " I hate being used just as much as she does."
Other guy: "Touché"
by snakemasterepic August 27, 2016
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A disease in which a socially awkward, unattractive, and hygenicly-repulsive male with a terrible personality feels victimized by women when they don't want to date him. Said male comes to believe all women are 'sluts' who want or deserve to be raped and killed, or, in its milder form, spawns the evil known as 'pick up artists'. It has no known cure.
No, he's just having a flareup of his Nice Guy syndrome.
by saraiya April 13, 2011
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The practice of brightening a cashiers day by asking for the nice guy discount at check out.
Does this cucumber come with the nice guy discount?
by Zonne October 19, 2021
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When you such a nice guy everyone likes you but then the girl you like dumps you because she feels guilty of not being able to reciprocate.

You get dumped for being a douchebag too.. such a dilemma
A: I got dumped yesterday by my gf , said I was too nice for her
B:dafuq reason is that bro
C: Ikr.. nice guy dilemma
by Red motherducking ducks1 January 7, 2020
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